Friday, February 3, 2012

Nokia design chief wants a connector-free smartphone

The Guardian (UK) recently sat down with Nokia design chief Marko Ahtisaari for an interview where the executive reveals that new versions of the company's Lumia phones, introduced to showcase Windows Phone in November 2011, will remove the flip-up plastic tab that presently covers the unit's micro-USB charger – one of just two moving parts on the Lumia 800 phone.

"If you can take away a moving part and make it [the phone] more beautiful in the placement of the components, we'll do it, so that's something where we can certainly keep improving," Ahtisaari told the Guardian. "Take it to the extreme, and why are there any connectors?"

The Lumia phone's incorporation of Near field communication (NFC) technology already tilts it heavily toward advanced wireless technologies. Even as a tongue-in-cheek remark, the suggested removal of the USB connector altogether would imply the use of wireless charging – a system that has already been demonstrated by competitor products such as HP's TouchPad, which employs such a system.

A Nokia spokesman told The Guardian that the company declined to comment on future product features.

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